January 2, 2025
LCG is honored to host Hector Marines our Texas A&M Regional Urban Forester. His primary job is to help communities care for green spaces in their cities such as Tree City USA, Healthy Trees Healthy Lives, Texas Tree Foundation, Project Learning Tree, and much more. He also specializes in insect and disease damages, tree identification, student and adult environmental education, and general tree planting knowledge.
Come to this informative class, meet Hector and learn all you need to know about caring for your trees, new and old!
Light refreshments will be available.
Saturday January 11th from 2-4pm in the First Presbyterian Church of Lampasas Fellowship Hall.
Located at: 401 S. Chestnut St Lampasas, TX 76550
Class donations of $25 help Lampasas Community Gardens grow in knowledge and maintenance. We thank you!
Lampasas Community Gardens is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit